
Coswalk Convention Saiko

With great honor, we humbly present our 7th upcoming annual event since 2012 is now officially dated on 17th & 18th March 2018 Location: Straits Quay Convention Center, Level 6 With current affirmed status, aside our tradition layout, cosplay competition will now come with 2 level of prizes aside cash prizes alone; the event will […]


由SZS Resources私人有限公司主办的“青年游戏网络创业”讲座会成功在周一晚上,假鸿安酒楼进行,并吸引许多青年出席聆听,同时,总公司Great wall igame私人有限公司董事经理拿督傅俊麒受邀成为当晚讲师。 SZS Resources私人有限公司董事经理甲必丹拿督刘思乐进行开幕致词时表示,该讲座会目的是向青年们讲解如何在游戏网络上创业及减少毕业生失业问题。 他形容,青年们往往对未来充满希望,有着冲劲的血液及初生之犊不怕虎的精神,这些同时是一名青年投身游戏网络创业应该具备的素质。同时,现代青年有创意的精神,有挑战传统观念和传统行业的信心和欲望,这些是创意的动力泉源,终将成为创业的精神基础。 他称,青年投身游戏网络创业最大的好处,在于能提高自己的能力、增长经验,以及学以致用;最大的诱人之处,是通过成功创业,可以实现自己的理想,证明自己的价值。 此外,甲必丹拿督刘思乐也现场介绍其公司为Great wall igame产品UMU point的东马总代理,乃属合法经营,主要以出售游戏点数为主,并在著名连锁便利店及手机店出售游戏点数。在过去一年已招收1500名代理商,网上游戏家已超过1万5000人,同时,游戏家也可通过银行线上服务获得充值便利。 SZS Resources私人有限公司亦是东马总代理,有兴趣或欲了解代理详情的青年,可联络该公司董事经理张京汶,号码是016-7779223。

Signing Ceremony

Congratulation on the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement  between GWi and 1) PGE INFOTECH SDN BHD dated 15/11/2017 2) HH TECHNOLOGY SDN BHD dated 19/12/2017 3) TS CITY TECHNOLOSGY SDN BHD dated 19/12/2017 4) A & J TELCO SDN BHD dated 26/12/2017 5) Y & C TECHNOLOGY ENT dated 27/12/2017 6) GLOBAL CLOUD SDN […]

Great Wall iGame Launches in Malaysia: Unveiling Tembak Ikan Mobile Game

Malaysia’s latest mobile gaming company, Great Wall iGame Sdn. Bhd. (GWi) was officially launched adding a new viable contender in the local gaming industry. Established on September 21st, 2016 to partake primarily in mobile games and devices platform providing innovative content to Malaysia and beyond. The launch today also saw the introduction of UMU Wallet, […]

About Us

Incepted since 21 September 2016, GREAT WALL iGAME SDN BHD is established to involve primarily in mobile and devices platform.

Intend to expand its regional footprint across ASEAN and Middle East countries.

Offering mobile gaming and entertainment contents through solid partnership with world’s top game manufacturer ARC PLAY LTD CO, Taiwan.


To become as one of the top Malaysian mobile gaming companies.


Market development through solid licensing and agent program.

Continuous expanding and learning to consolidate its positioning through partnerships with large game producers.